7 Most Common Dental Issues & How to Treat Them

Growing up, we would encounter dental problems from time to time. These problems may occur rarely, while some would occur one after another. The bottom line is, dental problems will always exist, they are almost inevitable. And so, the least we can do is to recognize them and learn how to manage them to spare us from unnecessary discomfort and to prevent the situation from worsening.

This is where the role of an emergency dentist in La Crete comes in. Apart from checking on your dental health, they are there to educate you on your status, the risks that are present, how to prevent them from being an actual issue and how to manage them in case they do happen. This can all be achieved at a dental clinic in La Crete.

Tooth decay is a common dental issue.

When we lack proper dental hygiene, the chances of developing dental cavities and caries are high. This stems from bacteria buildup on our teeth. Hence, it eats away the tooth’s enamel, breaks down the teeth and forms holes. Due to our diet and the lifestyle choices we make, maintaining good oral health can be a challenge. Which is why an emergency dentist in La Crete can assist us with existing problems or infections and perform regular cleanings and oral exams to make sure they don’t get out of hand.

Gum disease or periodontitis is a dental issue.

This develops when the bacteria that settled in our mouth starts to destroy the gum tissue and ligaments responsible for keeping the teeth together. There are different phases involved in the process, booking a schedule in a dental clinic in La Crete can help you determine which stage you are at and how to manage it. A good indication would be bloody gums when brushing. This is a sign of gingivitis and should be an area of concern.

Root tooth infection is a dental issue. 

These types of infections come from cracks, fractures or cavities that have been infected and filled with bacteria. Abscesses are formed and as they progress, the mode of treatment becomes more complex. An emergency dentist in La Crete can perform a root canal treatment to remove the diseased pulp and place a filling to make sure it is sealed and no longer prone to future complications. 

Enamel degradation is a dental issue.  

This involves discoloured enamel surfaces. This is most likely caused by exposure to corrosive substances like sugar-filled snacks and drinks. Sometimes, over brushing and the use of hard bristles can cause this too. When this happens, we have no choice but to prevent it from degrading further. However, an emergency dentist in La Crete can suggest bonding support or other treatments that can repair severe damage.

Dry mouth is a dental issue.

Also known as xerostomia, this condition can be medically induced by some drugs. Lack of saliva in the area can allow bacteria to thrive and breed in your mouth. A good plan of action would be to look for a drug alternative that may not cause dryness or keep yourself constantly hydrated to avoid discomfort.

TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder is a dental issue.

This condition may lead to teeth clenching and grinding. This can be triggered by stress, hence, those experiencing it should focus on finding the source of tension. In the most serious scenarios, you would experience pain in the face, jaw, and neck. A dental clinic in La Crete can provide advice and an action plan that includes mouth guards to prevent the surfaces of the teeth from becoming damaged.

Oral cancer is a dental issue.

This is so far, one of the most detrimental problems one can have. It may start as a pale, small, pinkish lump or growth inside the mouth and then develop into a devastating condition that affects the body. It is important to have an emergency dentist in La Crete evaluate and test you annually to determine the risk and presence of precancerous or cancerous lesions. 

These are some of the most common dental issues that we may encounter. While this varies from one person to another, knowing what causes an issue, how to spot it and how to treat it will definitely help guide us in the right direction and keep our dental health in good shape.


  1. Remarkable guide offering a numbered list of common dental issues. Well written and masterfully put together. Thank you for sharing, I'd like to congratulate you on your work. Have a wonderful day.
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