What You Need to Know About Teeth Sensitivity

Do you cringe at the thought of biting into a popsicle? What about drinking a really hot beverage like tea or coffee? Well, you may have sensitive teeth or in other words, tooth sensitivity. This can be extremely painful to deal with and you could find yourself passing up many foods and drinks. For this reason, it is important to address the issue of sensitive teeth with your dentist in La Crête. Together, you will determine what exactly is causing the issue and from there, your dentist can provide a solution. 

Evaluating Your Tooth Enamel

Your tooth enamel, is a hard and protective layer that deals with all you put your teeth through. When your enamel is no longer there, the nerve endings become exposed and cause pain. If you have sensitive teeth, there is a chance that a portion of your enamel has worn away. So, how can you prevent tooth enamel or at least prevent further damage?

Stop brushing too hard

How do you clean your teeth? Are you using a light hand? Well you should be! When you brush your teeth too hard it can make the enamel wear away. You should be using a soft-bristled toothbrush and hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums, this will keep your enamel clean and strong. 

Avoid consuming acidic foods and beverages

If you want to avoid attacking your enamel, then you will want to steer clear from sticky/hard foods, and high-sugar carbs. Instead, you should stick to foods that will lubricate your mouth and fight acid and bacteria that can destroy your enamel. The following are some healthier options for both your body and oral health: fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, cheese, plain yogurt, milk, green tea, black tea, and sugarless gum. 

 Stop clenching your teeth

If you are clenching or grinding your teeth, this can wear away your tooth enamel. Bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching) is an issue that you will want to address with your dentist in La Crête. They can provide you with a mouth guard or a splint. When the problem becomes severe, you may require dental work to alter the position of your teeth. 

Don’t over bleach

Yes, we all want bright and dazzling teeth, but the quest for a beaming white smile may be more painful than you think. The good news is, the sensitivity caused by bleaching your teeth is a temporary issue but nonetheless, if the effects of these dental services in La Crête are bothersome, consult with your dentist. 

Addressing The Issue 

If you have been experiencing teeth sensitivity, it may indicate another issue such as:

Naturally shrinking gums

If you are 40 years old or older, there may be signs of wear and tear on your gums. They may be pulling away from your teeth, exposing the roots of your teeth. When your teeth’s roots no longer have enamel to protect them, they are significantly more sensitive than the rest of your tooth. 

Periodontitis (gum disease) 

When you have plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth, it can cause your gums to pull back. In some cases, the disease can set in and when it does, it causes bone deterioration (this bone supports your teeth). If you smoke, it can increase your risk of gum disease so consider quitting this harmful habit. 

If you are experiencing teeth sensitivity, visit your dental clinic in La Crête. Your dentist will be able to determine the cause of your sensitivity as well as provide effective treatment options to relieve the uncomfortable experience. 


  1. Thanks for sharing this informative post on teeth sensitivity. There are many reasons that you provided in this article. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the detailed informatin.
    Dentist Philadelphia


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